
plot_sv_residual(res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(0, 10), cycler: Cycler | None | UnsetType = Unset, use_svd_number: bool = False) None[source]

Plot singular values of the residual matrix.

  • res (xr.Dataset) – Result dataset

  • ax (Axis) – Axis to plot on.

  • indices (Sequence[int]) – Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(10).

  • cycler (Cycler | None | UnsetType) – Deprecated since it has no effect. Defaults to Unset.

  • use_svd_number (bool) – Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False.