Source code for pyglotaran_extras.plotting.plot_svd

"""Module containing SVD plotting functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import add_svd_to_dataset

from pyglotaran_extras.deprecation import warn_deprecated
from import PlotStyle
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import MinorSymLogLocator
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import add_cycler_if_not_none
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import shift_time_axis_by_irf_location
from pyglotaran_extras.types import Unset
from pyglotaran_extras.types import UnsetType

    from import Sequence

    import xarray as xr
    from cycler import Cycler
    from matplotlib.axis import Axis
    from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes

[docs] def plot_svd( res: xr.Dataset, axes: Axes, linlog: bool = False, linthresh: float = 1, cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, nr_of_data_svd_vectors: int = 4, nr_of_residual_svd_vectors: int = 2, show_data_svd_legend: bool = True, show_residual_svd_legend: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) of data and residual. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset axes : Axes Axes to plot the SVDs on (needs to be at least 2x3). linlog : bool Whether to use 'symlog' scale or not. Defaults to False. linthresh : float A single float which defines the range (-x, x), within which the plot is linear. This avoids having the plot go to infinity around zero. Defaults to 1. cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. nr_of_data_svd_vectors : int Number of data SVD vector to plot. Defaults to 4. nr_of_residual_svd_vectors : int Number of residual SVD vector to plot. Defaults to 2. show_data_svd_legend : bool Whether or not to show the data SVD legend. Defaults to True. show_residual_svd_legend : bool Whether or not to show the residual SVD legend. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ if "weighted_residual" in res: add_svd_to_dataset(dataset=res, name="weighted_residual") else: add_svd_to_dataset(dataset=res, name="residual") plot_lsv_residual( res, axes[0, 0], linlog=linlog, linthresh=linthresh, cycler=cycler, indices=range(nr_of_residual_svd_vectors), show_legend=show_residual_svd_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) plot_rsv_residual( res, axes[0, 1], cycler=cycler, indices=range(nr_of_residual_svd_vectors), show_legend=show_residual_svd_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) plot_sv_residual(res, axes[0, 2], use_svd_number=use_svd_number) add_svd_to_dataset(dataset=res, name="data") plot_lsv_data( res, axes[1, 0], linlog=linlog, linthresh=linthresh, cycler=cycler, indices=range(nr_of_data_svd_vectors), show_legend=show_data_svd_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) plot_rsv_data( res, axes[1, 1], cycler=cycler, indices=range(nr_of_data_svd_vectors), show_legend=show_data_svd_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) plot_sv_data(res, axes[1, 2], use_svd_number=use_svd_number)
[docs] def plot_lsv_data( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(4), linlog: bool = False, linthresh: float = 1, cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, show_legend: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot left singular vectors (time) of the data matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(4). linlog : bool Whether to use 'symlog' scale or not. Defaults to False. linthresh : float A single float which defines the range (-x, x), within which the plot is linear. This avoids having the plot go to infinity around zero. Defaults to 1. cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. show_legend : bool Whether or not to show the legend. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ add_cycler_if_not_none(ax, cycler) dLSV = res.data_left_singular_vectors # noqa: N806 _plot_svd_vectors( vector_data=dLSV, indices=indices, sv_index_dim="left_singular_value_index", ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) ax.set_title("data. LSV") if linlog: ax.set_xscale("symlog", linthresh=linthresh) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MinorSymLogLocator(linthresh))
[docs] def plot_rsv_data( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(4), cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, show_legend: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot right singular vectors (spectra) of the data matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(4). cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. show_legend : bool Whether or not to show the legend. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ add_cycler_if_not_none(ax, cycler) dRSV = res.data_right_singular_vectors # noqa: N806 _plot_svd_vectors( vector_data=dRSV, indices=indices, sv_index_dim="right_singular_value_index", ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) ax.set_title("data. RSV")
[docs] def plot_sv_data( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(10), cycler: Cycler | None | UnsetType = Unset, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot singular values of the data matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(10). cycler : Cycler | None | UnsetType Deprecated since it has no effect. Defaults to Unset. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ if cycler is not Unset: warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage="'cycler' argument in 'plot_sv_data'", new_qual_name_usage="matplotlib on the axis directly", to_be_removed_in_version="0.9.0", ) dSV = res.data_singular_values # noqa: N806 x_dim = "singular_value_index" if use_svd_number is True: x_dim = "singular value number" dSV = dSV.assign_coords( # noqa: N806 {x_dim: ("singular_value_index", (dSV.singular_value_index + 1).data)} ) dSV.sel({"singular_value_index": indices[: len(dSV.singular_value_index)]}).plot.line( "ro-", yscale="log", ax=ax, x=x_dim ) ax.set_title("data. log(SV)")
[docs] def plot_lsv_residual( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(2), linlog: bool = False, linthresh: float = 1, cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, show_legend: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot left singular vectors (time) of the residual matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(4). linlog : bool Whether to use 'symlog' scale or not. Defaults to False. linthresh : float A single float which defines the range (-x, x), within which the plot is linear. This avoids having the plot go to infinity around zero. Defaults to 1. cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. show_legend : bool Whether or not to show the legend. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ add_cycler_if_not_none(ax, cycler) rLSV: xr.DataArray = ( # noqa: N806 res.weighted_residual_left_singular_vectors if "weighted_residual_left_singular_vectors" in res else res.residual_left_singular_vectors ) _plot_svd_vectors( vector_data=rLSV, indices=indices, sv_index_dim="left_singular_value_index", ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) ax.set_title("res. LSV") if linlog: ax.set_xscale("symlog", linthresh=linthresh) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MinorSymLogLocator(linthresh))
[docs] def plot_rsv_residual( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(2), cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, show_legend: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot right singular vectors (spectra) of the residual matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(4). cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. show_legend : bool Whether or not to show the legend. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ add_cycler_if_not_none(ax, cycler) rRSV: xr.DataArray = ( # noqa: N806 res.weighted_residual_right_singular_vectors if "weighted_residual_right_singular_vectors" in res else res.residual_right_singular_vectors ) _plot_svd_vectors( vector_data=rRSV, indices=indices, sv_index_dim="right_singular_value_index", ax=ax, show_legend=show_legend, irf_location=irf_location, use_svd_number=use_svd_number, ) ax.set_title("res. RSV")
[docs] def plot_sv_residual( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, indices: Sequence[int] = range(10), cycler: Cycler | None | UnsetType = Unset, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot singular values of the residual matrix. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. Defaults to range(10). cycler : Cycler | None | UnsetType Deprecated since it has no effect. Defaults to Unset. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. """ if cycler is not Unset: warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage="'cycler' argument in 'plot_sv_residual'", new_qual_name_usage="matplotlib on the axis directly", to_be_removed_in_version="0.9.0", ) rSV: xr.DataArray = ( # noqa: N806 res.weighted_residual_singular_values if "weighted_residual_singular_values" in res else res.residual_singular_values ) x_dim = "singular_value_index" if use_svd_number is True: x_dim = "singular value number" rSV = rSV.assign_coords( # noqa: N806 {x_dim: ("singular_value_index", (rSV.singular_value_index + 1).data)} ) rSV.sel({"singular_value_index": indices[: len(rSV.singular_value_index)]}).plot.line( "ro-", yscale="log", ax=ax, x=x_dim ) ax.set_title("res. log(SV)")
def _plot_svd_vectors( vector_data: xr.DataArray, indices: Sequence[int], sv_index_dim: str, ax: Axis, show_legend: bool, irf_location: float | None, use_svd_number: bool = False, ) -> None: """Plot SVD vectors with decreasing zorder on axis ``ax``. Parameters ---------- vector_data : xr.DataArray DataArray containing the SVD vector data. indices : Sequence[int] Indices of the singular vector to plot. sv_index_dim : str Name of the singular value index dimension. ax : Axis Axis to plot on. show_legend : bool Whether or not to show the legend. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. use_svd_number : bool Whether to use singular value number (starts at 1) instead of singular value index (starts at 0) for labeling in plot. Defaults to False. See Also -------- plot_lsv_data plot_rsv_data plot_lsv_residual plot_rsv_residual """ max_index = len(getattr(vector_data, sv_index_dim)) values = shift_time_axis_by_irf_location( vector_data.isel({sv_index_dim: indices[:max_index]}), irf_location, _internal_call=True ) x_dim = vector_data.dims[1] if x_dim == sv_index_dim: values = values.T x_dim = vector_data.dims[0] for zorder, label, value in zip(range(100)[::-1], indices[:max_index], values, strict=False): value.plot.line( x=x_dim, ax=ax, zorder=zorder, label=label + 1 if use_svd_number else label ) if show_legend is True: ax.legend(title="singular value number" if use_svd_number else sv_index_dim)