
plot_doas(dataset: DatasetConvertible | Result, *, damped_oscillation: list[str] | None = None, time_range: tuple[float, float] | None = None, spectral: float = 0, main_irf_nr: int | None = 0, normalize: bool = False, figsize: tuple[float, float] = (20, 5), show_zero_line: bool = True, cycler: Cycler | None = cycler('color', [< '#000000'>, < '#ff0000'>, < '#0000ff'>, < '#00ff00'>, <ColorCode.magenta: '#ff00ff'>, <ColorCode.cyan: '#00ffff'>, <ColorCode.yellow: '#ffff00'>, <ColorCode.green4: '#008b00'>, < '#ff8c00'>, <ColorCode.brown: '#964b00'>, <ColorCode.grey: '#808080'>, <ColorCode.violet: '#9400d3'>, <ColorCode.turquoise: '#40e0d0'>, <ColorCode.maroon: '#800000'>, <ColorCode.indigo: '#4b0082'>]), oscillation_type: Literal['cos', 'sin'] = 'cos', title: str | None = 'Damped oscillations', legend_format_string: str = '{label}: $\\nu$={frequency:.0f}, $\\gamma$={rate:.1f}') tuple[Figure, Axes][source]

Plot DOAS (Damped Oscillation) related data of the optimization result.

  • dataset (DatasetConvertible | Result) – Result dataset from a pyglotaran optimization.

  • damped_oscillation (list[str] | None) – List of oscillation names which should be plotted. Defaults to None which means that all oscillations will be plotted.

  • time_range (tuple[float, float] | None) – Start and end time for the Oscillation plot, if main_irf_nr is not None the value are relative to the IRF location. Defaults to None which means that the full time range is used.

  • spectral (float) – Value of the spectral axis that should be used to select the data for the Oscillation plot this value does not need to be an exact existing value and only has effect if the IRF has dispersion. Defaults to 0 which means that the Oscillation plot at lowest spectral value will be shown.

  • main_irf_nr (int | None) – Index of the main irf component when using an irf parametrized with multiple peaks and is used to shift the time axis. If it is none None the shifting will be deactivated. Defaults to 0.

  • normalize (bool) – Whether or not to normalize the DOAS spectra plot. If the DOAS spectra is normalized, the Oscillation is scaled with the reciprocal of the normalization to compensate for this. Defaults to False.

  • figsize (tuple[float, float]) – Size of the figure (N, M) in inches. Defaults to (20, 5)

  • show_zero_line (bool) – Whether or not to add a horizontal line at zero. Defaults to True

  • cycler (Cycler | None) – Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler

  • oscillation_type (Literal["cos", "sin"]) – Type of the oscillation to show in the oscillation plot. Defaults to “cos”

  • title (str | None) – Title of the figure. Defaults to “Damped oscillations”

  • legend_format_string (str) – Format string for each entry in the legend of the oscillation plot. Possible values which can be replaced are label (label of the oscillation in the model definition), frequency (ν) and rate (γ). Use "" to remove the legend. Defaults to r"{label}: $\nu$={frequency:.0f}, $\gamma$={rate:.1f}"


Figure object which contains the plots and the Axes.

Return type:

tuple[Figure, Axes]

See also
