Source code for pyglotaran_extras.types

"""Module containing type definitions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping
from import Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal
from typing import TypeAlias

import xarray as xr
from glotaran.project.result import Result

[docs] class UnsetType: """Type for the ``Unset`` singleton.""" def __repr__(self) -> str: # noqa: DOC """Representation of instances in editors.""" return "Unset"
Unset = UnsetType() """Value to use as default for an arguments where None is a meaningful value. This way we can prevent regressions. """ DatasetConvertible: TypeAlias = xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray | str | Path """Types of data which can be converted to a dataset.""" ResultLike: TypeAlias = ( Result | DatasetConvertible | Mapping[str, DatasetConvertible] | Sequence[DatasetConvertible] ) """Result like data which can be converted to a per dataset mapping.""" BuiltinSubPlotLabelFormatFunctionKey: TypeAlias = Literal[ "number", "upper_case_letter", "lower_case_letter" ] """Key supported by ``BuiltinLabelFormatFunctions``.""" SubPlotLabelCoordStrs: TypeAlias = Literal[ "figure points", "figure pixels", "figure fraction", "subfigure points", "subfigure pixels", "subfigure fraction", "axes points", "axes pixels", "axes fraction", "data", "polar", ] SubPlotLabelCoord: TypeAlias = ( SubPlotLabelCoordStrs | tuple[SubPlotLabelCoordStrs, SubPlotLabelCoordStrs] )