Source code for pyglotaran_extras.plotting.plot_residual

"""Module containing residual plot functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.plot_irf_dispersion_center import _plot_irf_dispersion_center
from import PlotStyle
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import MinorSymLogLocator
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import add_cycler_if_not_none
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import shift_time_axis_by_irf_location

    import xarray as xr
    from cycler import Cycler
    from matplotlib.axis import Axis

[docs] def plot_residual( res: xr.Dataset, ax: Axis, linlog: bool = False, linthresh: float = 1, show_data: bool | None = False, cycler: Cycler | None = PlotStyle().cycler, show_irf_dispersion_center: bool = True, irf_location: float | None = None, ) -> None: """Plot data or residual on a 2D contour plot. Parameters ---------- res : xr.Dataset Result dataset ax : Axis Axis to plot on. linlog : bool Whether to use 'symlog' scale or not. Defaults to False. linthresh : float A single float which defines the range (-x, x), within which the plot is linear. This avoids having the plot go to infinity around zero. Defaults to 1. show_data : bool | None Whether to show the input data or residual. If set to ``None`` the plot is skipped which improves plotting performance for big datasets. Defaults to False. cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to PlotStyle().cycler. show_irf_dispersion_center : bool Whether to show the the IRF dispersion center as overlay on the residual/data plot. Defaults to True. irf_location : float | None Location of the ``irf`` by which the time axis will get shifted. If it is None the time axis will not be shifted. Defaults to None. """ if show_data is None: ax.text( 0.5, 0.5, "Skipped", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=24, ) return add_cycler_if_not_none(ax, cycler) data = ( if show_data else res.weighted_residual if "weighted_residual" in res else res.residual ) data = shift_time_axis_by_irf_location(data, irf_location, _internal_call=True) title = ( "dataset" if show_data else "weighted residual" if "weighted_residual" in res else "residual" ) shape = np.array(data.shape) # Handle different dimensionality of data if min(shape) == 1: dims = data.coords.dims data.plot.line(x=dims[shape.argmax()], ax=ax) elif min(shape) < 5: data.plot(x="time", ax=ax) else: data.plot(x="time", ax=ax, add_colorbar=False) if show_irf_dispersion_center is True: _plot_irf_dispersion_center( res, ax=ax, spectral_axis="y", cycler=cycler, irf_location=irf_location ) ax.set_xlabel("time") ax.legend(loc="upper right") if linlog: ax.set_xscale("symlog", linthresh=linthresh) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MinorSymLogLocator(linthresh)) ax.set_title(title)