Source code for pyglotaran_extras.plotting.plot_coherent_artifact

"""Module containing coherent artifact plot functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from import load_data
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import abs_max
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import add_cycler_if_not_none
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import extract_irf_location
from pyglotaran_extras.plotting.utils import shift_time_axis_by_irf_location

    from cycler import Cycler
    from glotaran.project.result import Result
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes

    from pyglotaran_extras.types import DatasetConvertible

[docs] def plot_coherent_artifact( dataset: DatasetConvertible | Result, *, time_range: tuple[float, float] | None = None, spectral: float = 0, main_irf_nr: int | None = 0, normalize: bool = True, figsize: tuple[float, float] = (18, 7), show_zero_line: bool = True, cycler: Cycler | None = None, title: str | None = "Coherent Artifact", ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plot coherent artifact as IRF derivative components over time and IRFAS over spectral dim. The IRFAS are the IRF (Instrument Response Function) Associated Spectra. Parameters ---------- dataset : DatasetConvertible | Result Result dataset from a pyglotaran optimization. time_range : tuple[float, float] | None Start and end time for the IRF derivative plot. Defaults to None which means that the full time range is used. spectral : float Value of the spectral axis that should be used to select the data for the IRF derivative plot this value does not need to be an exact existing value and only has effect if the IRF has dispersion. Defaults to 0 which means that the IRF derivative plot at lowest spectral value will be shown. main_irf_nr : int | None Index of the main ``irf`` component when using an ``irf`` parametrized with multiple peaks and is used to shift the time axis. If it is none ``None`` the shifting will be deactivated. Defaults to 0. normalize : bool Whether or not to normalize the IRF derivative plot. If the IRF derivative is normalized, the IRFAS is scaled with the reciprocal of the normalization to compensate for this. Defaults to True. figsize : tuple[float, float] Size of the figure (N, M) in inches. Defaults to (18, 7). show_zero_line : bool Whether or not to add a horizontal line at zero. Defaults to True. cycler : Cycler | None Plot style cycler to use. Defaults to None, which means that the matplotlib default style will be used. title : str | None Title of the figure. Defaults to "Coherent Artifact". Returns ------- tuple[Figure, Axes] Figure object which contains the plots and the Axes. """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) add_cycler_if_not_none(axes, cycler) dataset = load_data(dataset, _stacklevel=3) if ( "coherent_artifact_response" not in dataset or "coherent_artifact_associated_spectra" not in dataset ): warn( UserWarning(f"Dataset does not contain coherent artifact data:\n {dataset.data_vars}"), stacklevel=2, ) return fig, axes irf_location = extract_irf_location(dataset, spectral, main_irf_nr) irf_data = shift_time_axis_by_irf_location( dataset.coherent_artifact_response, irf_location, _internal_call=True ) irf_max = abs_max(irf_data, result_dims=("coherent_artifact_order")) irfas_max = abs_max( dataset.coherent_artifact_associated_spectra, result_dims=("coherent_artifact_order") ) scales = np.sqrt(irfas_max * irf_max) norm_factor = 1 irf_y_label = "amplitude" irfas_y_label = "ΔA" if normalize is True: norm_factor = scales.max() irf_y_label = f"normalized {irf_y_label}" if "spectral" in irf_data.coords: irf_data = irf_data.sel(spectral=spectral, method="nearest") plot_slice_irf = irf_data / irf_max * scales / norm_factor irf_sel_kwargs = ( {"time": slice(time_range[0], time_range[1])} if time_range is not None else {} ) plot_slice_irf.sel(**irf_sel_kwargs).plot.line(x="time", ax=axes[0]) axes[0].set_title("IRF Derivatives") axes[0].set_ylabel(f"{irf_y_label} (a.u.)") plot_slice_irfas = ( dataset.coherent_artifact_associated_spectra / irfas_max * scales * norm_factor ) plot_slice_irfas.plot.line(x="spectral", ax=axes[1]) axes[1].get_legend().remove() axes[1].set_title("IRFAS") axes[1].set_ylabel(f"{irfas_y_label} (mOD)") if show_zero_line is True: axes[0].axhline(0, color="k", linewidth=1) axes[1].axhline(0, color="k", linewidth=1) # if dataset.coords["coherent_artifact_order"][0] == 1: axes[0].legend( [f"{int(ax_label)-1}" for ax_label in dataset.coords["coherent_artifact_order"]], title="coherent_artifact_order", ) if title: fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16) return fig, axes