Source code for

"""Io utility module."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping
from import Sequence
from pathlib import Path

import xarray as xr
from glotaran.project.result import Result

from import load_data
from pyglotaran_extras.types import ResultLike

[docs] def result_dataset_mapping(result: ResultLike) -> Mapping[str, xr.Dataset]: """Convert a ``ResultLike`` object to a per dataset mapping of result like data. Parameters ---------- result : ResultLike Data structure which can be converted to a mapping. Returns ------- Mapping[str, xr.Dataset] Per dataset mapping of result like data. Raises ------ TypeError If any value of a ``result`` isn't of :class:`DatasetConvertible`. TypeError If ``result`` isn't a :class:`ResultLike` object. """ result_mapping = {} if isinstance(result, Result): return if isinstance(result, xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray | Path | str): return {"dataset": load_data(result)} if isinstance(result, Sequence): for index, value in enumerate(result): result_mapping[f"dataset{index}"] = load_data(value) return result_mapping if isinstance(result, Mapping): for key, value in result.items(): result_mapping[key] = load_data(value) return result_mapping msg = f"Result needs to be of type {ResultLike!r}, but was {result!r}." raise TypeError(msg)