Source code for pyglotaran_extras.inspect.a_matrix

"""Module containing a-matrix render functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from glotaran.utils.ipython import MarkdownStr
from tabulate import tabulate

from pyglotaran_extras.inspect.utils import pretty_format_numerical
from pyglotaran_extras.inspect.utils import pretty_format_numerical_iterable
from pyglotaran_extras.inspect.utils import wrap_in_details_tag
from import result_dataset_mapping

    import xarray as xr

    from pyglotaran_extras.types import ResultLike

[docs] def a_matrix_to_html_table( a_matrix: xr.DataArray, megacomplex_suffix: str, *, normalize_initial_concentration: bool = False, decimal_places: int = 3, ) -> str: """Create HTML multi header table from a-matrix. Parameters ---------- a_matrix : xr.DataArray DataArray containing the a-matrix values and coordinates. megacomplex_suffix : str Megacomplex suffix used for the a-matrix data variable and coordinate names. normalize_initial_concentration : bool Whether or not to normalize the initial concentration. Defaults to False. decimal_places : int Decimal places to display. Defaults to 3. Returns ------- str Multi header HTML table representing the a-matrix. """ species = a_matrix.coords[f"species_{megacomplex_suffix}"].to_numpy() # Crete a copy so normalization does not mutate the original values initial_concentration = np.array( a_matrix.coords[f"initial_concentration_{megacomplex_suffix}"].to_numpy() ) lifetime = a_matrix.coords[f"lifetime_{megacomplex_suffix}"].to_numpy() if normalize_initial_concentration is True: initial_concentration /= initial_concentration.sum() header = ( ["species<br>initial concentration<br>lifetime↓"] + [ f"{sp}<br>{pretty_format_numerical(ic,decimal_places)}<br>&nbsp;" for sp, ic in zip(species, initial_concentration, strict=True) ] + ["Sum"] ) data = [ pretty_format_numerical_iterable( (lifetime, *amps, amps.sum()), decimal_places=decimal_places ) for lifetime, amps in zip(lifetime, a_matrix.values, strict=True) ] data.append( pretty_format_numerical_iterable( ("Sum", *a_matrix.to_numpy().sum(axis=0), a_matrix.to_numpy().sum()), decimal_places=decimal_places, ) ) return ( tabulate( data, headers=header, showindex=False, tablefmt="unsafehtml", disable_numparse=True ) .replace(" 0 ", " ") .replace(" 0<", " <") .replace(">0 ", "> ") )
[docs] def show_a_matrixes( result: ResultLike, *, normalize_initial_concentration: bool = False, decimal_places: int = 3, a_matrix_min_size: int | None = None, expanded_datasets: tuple[str, ...] = (), heading_offset: int = 2, ) -> MarkdownStr: """Show all a-matrixes of a result grouped by dataset and megacomplex name. Each dataset is wrapped in a HTML details tag which is by default collapsed. Parameters ---------- result : ResultLike Result or result dataset. normalize_initial_concentration : bool Whether or not to normalize the initial concentration. Defaults to False. decimal_places : int Decimal places to display. Defaults to 3. a_matrix_min_size : int | None Defaults to None. expanded_datasets : tuple[str, ...] Names of dataset to expand the details view for. Defaults to empty tuple () which means no dataset is expanded. heading_offset : int Number of heading level to offset the headings. Defaults to 2 which means that the first/top most heading is h3. Returns ------- MarkdownStr Markdown representation of the a-matrixes used in the optimization. """ heading_prefix = heading_offset * "#" output_str = f"#{heading_prefix} A-Matrixes\n" result_map = result_dataset_mapping(result) for dataset_name in result_map: a_matrix_names = list( filter( lambda var_name: var_name.startswith("a_matrix_"), result_map[dataset_name].data_vars, ) ) if not a_matrix_names: continue details_content = "" header_newline_prefix = "" for a_matrix_name in a_matrix_names: mc_suffix = a_matrix_name.replace("a_matrix_", "") a_matrix = result_map[dataset_name][a_matrix_name] if a_matrix_min_size is not None and max(a_matrix.shape) < a_matrix_min_size: continue details_content += f"{header_newline_prefix}###{heading_prefix} {mc_suffix}:\n\n" details_content += a_matrix_to_html_table( a_matrix, mc_suffix, normalize_initial_concentration=normalize_initial_concentration, decimal_places=decimal_places, ) header_newline_prefix = "\n\n" if details_content != "": output_str += wrap_in_details_tag( details_content, summary_content=dataset_name, summary_heading_level=2 + heading_offset, is_open=dataset_name in expanded_datasets, ) return MarkdownStr(output_str)